Install Hashicorp Vault on Kubernetes using Helm - Part 1
Marco Franssen /
12 min read • 2301 words
In this blogpost I want to show you how to deploy Hashicorp Vault using Helm on Kubernetes. We will look at deploying on your local machine for development and experimental purposes but also at how to deploy a high available setup on AWS using Hashicorp Consul and automated unsealing using a AWS KMS key. I assume most of you will know about Hashicorp Vault, Helm, Kubernetes and Consul and therefore I will not go very much in details on the tools themself.
In this first article of the series we will look at a deployment on our local environment. Let's have a look at the tools that come across in this first article to set a bit of context.
Hashicorp Vault
Manage Secrets and Protect Sensitive Data
Secure, store and tightly control access to tokens, passwords, certificates, encryption keys for protecting secrets and other sensitive data using a UI, CLI, or HTTP API.
The package manager for Kubernetes
Helm helps you manage Kubernetes applications — Helm Charts help you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application. Charts are easy to create, version, share, and publish — so start using Helm and stop the copy-and-paste.
Production-Grade Container Orchestration, automated container deployment, scaling, and management
Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes builds upon 15 years of experience of running production workloads at Google, combined with best-of-breed ideas and practices from the community.
To be able to follow this blogpost locally on your development machine it is recommended to have following tools installed.
- Docker desktop
- Kubernetes (also ships with Docker Desktop)
- Kubectl (also ships with Docker Desktop)
- Helm
A quick way to install these tools on your Mac is to use Homebrew.
On Windows you could go for Chocolatey to get the tools installed on your environment.
In case you still want to know a bit more on the before mentioned tools see the references at the end of this article.
Ready to rumble
Now we have our tooling in place we can start by enabling Kubernetes from our Docker Desktop environment.
Now with all of this in place we can start with deploying some workloads to Kubernetes. To do so I want to reuse some existing Helm charts from Hashicorp to automate the majority of our deployment. For that we will have to add the helm repository.
Now we have the helm repo added we can search it for charts.
This shows us there is a 0.13.0
version of the chart available that uses version 1.7.3
of Hashicorp Vault
. Let us try to install it on our Kubernetes cluster. First lets see if we are connected to the correct Kubernetes cluster by requesting for some cluster-info
As you can see we are connected to our local k8s cluster. Now let us install the Helm chart on our local cluster in a namespace called my-vault
The -g
parameter generates a random name for the release. Now go ahead and try the commands shown in the output to get some more details on your Helm release. If it doesn't work, add the namespace to the command (see the install command). Using the manifest command you see all the kubernetes resources created by this Helm release. Now lets have a look at the pods.
As you can see one of the pods isn't ready. Let's figure out the reason by looking at the pod logs.
Connect Vault cli within container
As you can see Vault has not been initialized yet. For folks who worked earlier with Hashicorp Vault you know you will first have to initialize Hashicorp Vault. We can do so by either configuring the VAULT_ADDR
environment variable to use our local Vault cli or we can exec
inside the container. To be able to reach from outside of the Kubernetes cluster we have to do a little more to expose the Vault API, so let's first try to reach from within the container.
As you can see by requesting the vault status we figured indeed our vault was not initialized and sealed. Then I generated my unseal keys, ensure to keep them secure at all times. Never ever share them like I did here in my blog.
:warning: Write down your secrets for use later in this article.
The vault operator init
command also supports more parameters that allow you to finetune the keyshares or distribute those keyshares amongs keybase users. This last option is very powerfull and ensure nobody owns all the keys for "nuclear control", but instead requires a couple of your teammmembers to unlock the store.
Checking again on the status of our Pods we now see the Vault pos is in a ready state as well.
Connect locally with Vault cli
If you have a vault cli
installed locally you can also call Vault from local by configuring the API endpoint. To install Vault run brew install vault
(MacOS) or choco install vault
(Windows). To figure out the API endpoint, we need to query the services from our Kubernetes deployment.
If you don't want to install the cli locally you can also open a shell in the container (kubectl --namespace my-vault exec -it vault-1625395823-0 -- sh
). In the next bits, you should then skip setting the VAULT_ADDR
environment variable and run the shell commands without. Please do continue to be able to access the Vault UI in your browser, later in this article.
As you can see we don't have an external IP yet. Let's see to update our Helm Chart deployment to expose the API out of our Kubernetes cluster. By looking at the Vault Helm Chart we can see the configuration options that allow us to customize the default deployment. Let's enable the ingress so we can access Hashicorp Vault from outside of our Kubernetes cluster.
As you can see we can now access our Vault externally via the configured ingress and we can see the Vault is now also initialized. Now lets unseal the vault so we can start using it. You will have to provide 3 out of 5 unseal keys based on your unseal configuration.
Now we have the Vault unsealed we can start using it. Either via the cli or via the Vault UI. Go ahead and try to access Vault from your browser.
Sign in using the RootToken
(exposed earlier when we did the init) and play arround by configuring some secret store. You can also sign in on the commandline and play arround with Vault on the CLI. See below a workflow that logs in the CLI and then stores a value in the cubbyhole
Also check out your new secret from the UI. In the next article I will show you how to configure Vault in high availability mode using Consul on a EKS cluster in AWS. As well how to use AWS KMS to automatically unseal your Vault.
While waiting for my next blog you may want to play arround a bit more with your current setup. You can also choose to use the development mode in your chart. This creates you a deployment that has an unsealed vault by default with a root token as defined in the values.yaml. This is very convenient if you just want to play with Vault, but not recommended to put in place in any non-development environment.
Thanks for reading this blog and see you in part 2 of this article.