Hi, my name is Marco. Working as a Senior Software Architect at Philips. I'm an Opensource Maintainer and Contributor. If you like my work, consider to sponsor my work.
I wrote my first blog March 2011. Mostly I'm writing on software development. In total I wrote 75 articles in 7 categories. Use search below to filter by title or click a category or tag to filter by tag or category.
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How to add network driver to Windows 10 PE

Marco Franssen /
Very recently I have been trying to reinstall my Laptop using my WinPE approach as it didn't have a optical drive anymore. However my problem was that the WinPE image I created was lacking the network driver for my laptop. So then I recreated a WinPE USB drive using the Windows 10 ADK, hoping it would include the required driver. However unlucky me I still had no network when I booted by new laptop using my new Windows 10 PE USB drive. Therefore I had to add the network driver for my laptop to t…