Hi, my name is Marco. Working as a Senior Software Architect at Philips. I'm an Opensource Maintainer and Contributor. If you like my work, consider to sponsor my work.
I wrote my first blog March 2011. Mostly I'm writing on software development. In total I wrote 75 articles in 7 categories. Use search below to filter by title or click a category or tag to filter by tag or category.
Zero-trustSpiffeVaultSigstoreDockerSLSAGitHubGitHelmKubernetesTraefikTerraformsshReactNext.jsHexoBlogMarkdownNginxElasticsearchWebTLSLetsencryptHTTP/2WindowsRaspberry PiraspbiantestTDDbenchmarkconcurrencyparallelismbootChocolateyGradleJavaHTML5PWASEOPerformanceVirtualBoxAngularNode.jsazurehaproxysynologyvagranthyper-vBDDJasmineMochaKarmaPuTTYDebianpacker.ioChaiGruntSinonnpmJenkinsMSBuildMSpecOpenCoverNuGetArchitecturec#CQRSDesign patternsFluent SecurityJSONKnockoutJSMicrosoftPowerShellWindows 8Windows PhoneWindsorMVVMMVC3SecurityEntity FrameworklinqvhdConvincingElevator pitchSoftskillsAMDjQueryNcqrsdiskpartvdiskDDDFakeItEasyUnittestingDependency InjectionKinect
Secure your web app fluently

Marco Franssen /
When building a big web application with ASP.NET MVC 3 I ran into a problem to secure my web application in a maintainable way. There are lots of examples with attributes, but this isn't maintainable. So I started searching for other solutions, however most of the information is leaning on those un-maintainable attributes I finally found "Fluent Security". What does Fluent Security offer you? Fluent Security provides a fluent interface for configuring security in ASP.NET MVC. No attributes or…