Hi, my name is Marco. Working as a Senior Software Architect at Philips. I'm an Opensource Maintainer and Contributor. If you like my work, consider to sponsor my work.
I wrote my first blog March 2011. Mostly I'm writing on software development. In total I wrote 75 articles in 7 categories. Use search below to filter by title or click a category or tag to filter by tag or category.
Jasmine vs. Mocha

Marco Franssen /
In this blog post I want to highlight the similarities and the differences between Jasmine and Mocha. In this comparison I will focus on the latest versions of both libraries. As of this writing Jasmine 2.4 and Mocha 2.3. When comparing both libraries at NPMCompare you notice that Mocha is the more popular framework today. Mocha has more frequent updates, more downloads and more forks on Github. Although both frameworks are pretty popular and do have a lot of similarities. Lets go have a look a…
Using Mocha Chai Sinon to test Node.js

Marco Franssen /
In this article I'm going to show you how to write tests for your NodeJS application using Mocha, Chai and Sinon. Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on node.js and the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun. Mocha tests run serially, allowing for flexible and accurate reporting, while mapping uncaught exceptions to the correct test cases. One of the cool things is you can choose your own assertion style when writing Mocha tests. In this article I will use Ch…